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Mountain Medical Billing, LLC is a full service medical billing company providing medical billing services for many practices in the Pacific Northwest for over 10 years. Our knowledge and commitment to provide the best comprehensive service to our providers is what makes us stand out from other competitors. Mountain Medical Billing, LLC is a family owned business which translates to a deep sense of commitment to providing excellent service for all of the practices we serve. Because we are an outsourced billing service we are able to provide service to providers and practices anywhere.
Mountain Medical Billing, LLC has provided billing to practices in Idaho, California, Oregon, Washington, and Utah - as well as training, assistance with backlogs, credentialing providers and provider contract negotiation. As billing specialists we never forget that the financial strength of any practice is directly correlated to timely billing and maximum account reimbursement.
"The highest achievable level of service comes from the heart, so the company that reaches peoples hearts will provide the very best service."
H. Rosenbluth, CEO Rosenbluth International